
Mona Lisa Treatment for Vaginal Atrophy Vs RenovaLase

April 7, 2024 in treatment

Choosing the Right Treatment for Vaginal Atrophy: Renovalase vs. MonaLisa Touch

Are you experiencing vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, or general discomfort? You’re not alone. These symptoms, often associated with menopause, can significantly impact your quality of life. However, it’s essential to understand your treatment options thoroughly to find the solution that best fits your needs. In this article, we’ll compare two popular treatments for vaginal atrophy: Renovalase and Mona Lisa Treatment (Mona Lisa Touch Treatment).

Understanding Vaginal Atrophy

Vaginal atrophy is a common condition caused by decreased estrogen levels, particularly during menopause. This hormonal shift leads to thinning and degeneration of the vaginal mucosa, resulting in symptoms like dryness, irritation, and pain during intercourse. Addressing vaginal atrophy is crucial for restoring comfort and improving overall well-being.

The Mona Lisa Touch Treatment Approach

Mona Lisa Touch Treatment is a CO2 laser therapy designed to address vaginal atrophy by stimulating collagen production and restoring vaginal tissue health. This treatment aims to prevent and resolve estrogen drops in the vaginal tissue, offering a non-surgical and non-pharmacological solution for women experiencing menopausal symptoms.

Key Benefits of MonaLisa Touch®:

Collagen Regeneration: By reactivating collagen production, MonaLisa Touch® promotes tissue regeneration, leading to improved vaginal health and elasticity. The treatment lasts usually a few minuets and does not cause discomfort. Patients may experience improved hydration, thicker epithelium, and restored vaginal pH, enhancing overall quality of life and personal relationships.

Renovalase, on the other hand, is a cutting-edge non-invasive laser therapy specifically developed for the symptoms of vaginal atrophy. Utilizing non-ablative photothermal treatment, Renovalase targets the vaginal canal to restore the vaginal mucosa to a premenopausal state, offering efficient and quick results.

Key Benefits of Renovalase:

Efficient Treatment: Clinical studies demonstrate the effectiveness of Renovalase in addressing vaginal atrophy symptoms, providing rapid relief and restoration.
Non-Ablative Technology: Unlike previous laser treatments, Renovalase employs Er:Yag laser technology, minimizing risks such as scarring and pain associated with previous methods.
Comprehensive Restoration: By treating the problem at its source, Renovalase offers comprehensive vaginal rejuvenation, addressing issues like dryness and discomfort effectively.
Choosing the Right Treatment for You

When deciding between MonaLisa Touch® and Renovalase, it’s essential to consider your individual needs and preferences. While both treatments offer significant benefits for vaginal health, Renovalase stands out for its efficiency, safety, and comprehensive restoration.

If you’re seeking a solution that provides rapid results and minimizes discomfort, Renovalase may be the ideal choice for you. Contact us today to learn more about Renovalase and schedule your consultation. Don’t let vaginal atrophy impact your quality of life – take the first step towards renewal and rejuvenation with Renovalase. Conact us today for guidance.

Pelvic Floor Exercises for Incontinence: Do They Work and Are They Worth It?

October 5, 2023 in Education, treatment

We understand the importance of addressing urinary incontinence, a common issue that many women face. We believe in providing comprehensive solutions for female health, and that’s why we’re here to discuss the role of pelvic floor exercises in managing incontinence. While pelvic floor exercises can be beneficial, it’s crucial to explore additional treatments like our Incontilase procedure for more effective and long-lasting results.

The Power of Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic floor, also known as Kegel exercises, have been recommended for years to help strengthen the muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and rectum. These exercises involve contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, and they can indeed offer some relief from urinary incontinence. Regular practice can improve muscle tone and enhance bladder control, making them a valuable part of a holistic approach to managing incontinence.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that while pelvic floor exercises can be beneficial, they may not provide a complete solution for everyone, especially in cases of moderate to severe urinary incontinence.

The Role of Incontilase Treatment

For those seeking more effective and lasting results, Femalase offers Incontilase treatment. Incontilase is a cutting-edge, non-invasive laser therapy designed to address urinary incontinence by restoring the strength and function of the pelvic floor muscles. This innovative procedure has been proven to provide significant improvements in bladder control.

Incontilase is a safe and quick treatment that requires no downtime, making it a convenient option for busy women. By stimulating collagen production and tightening the vaginal walls, it helps restore the integrity of the pelvic floor and reduces the instances of involuntary urine leakage.

Why Combine Pelvic Floor Exercises with Incontilase Treatment?

While these exercises can contribute to improved muscle strength and control, combining them with Incontilase treatment offers a more comprehensive approach to managing urinary incontinence. The exercises can complement the effects of the treatment, further enhancing muscle tone and overall results.

In summary, pelvic floor exercises are a valuable component of managing urinary incontinence. They can improve muscle strength and control to some extent. However, for more significant and long-lasting results, Incontilase treatment at Femalase is a highly effective option.

We believe in providing tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each woman. If you’re seeking relief from urinary incontinence, we encourage you to consider the benefits of Incontilase treatment in addition to regular exercises. To learn more about our treatments and schedule a consultation, please visit our Incontilase page [insert hyperlink to] or reach out to us through our enquiry form. We’re here to support you on your journey to improved bladder control and overall well-being.


Are you suffering from urinary stress incontinence?

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Emsella Chair & Treatments for Incontinence

August 22, 2023 in treatment

Emsella Chair seems to be a sophisticated solution tailored to address the challenges of urinary incontinence. Employing the power of high-intensity electromagnetic energy, this cutting-edge chair facilitates the stimulation and fortification of pelvic floor muscles, akin to the effects of traditional Kegel exercises.

Is this a good idea?

The appeal is in the non invasive nature of the treatment. However you need to understand how the treatment works and what are the long term implications. When you exercise a muscle either actively by doing your exercises or passively like with this device, the benefits will be evident only while you do the treatment. Think about what happens when you go to the gym: you will feel your muscles nice and tight for a while but if you stop going everything will return as before. That is exactly the same situation with Emsella. Unless of course you can afford doing it for ever. It would be far more beneficial for you to ensure that you know how to do pelvic floor exercises correctly because the reality is that you will have to do them  for life. On top of all of this a medical concern is that this treatment is offered by cosmetics and general clinics where no assessment of the actual problem is possible. Many women think they have stress incontinence but they have a different problem. Some urge incontinence cases get worse with extra tightening of the pelvic floor and only a proper medical examination and assessment can really differentiate between the two.

Why is laser different?

Once you have achieved the maximum improvement possible with the toning of the muscles, extra help can be reached reinforcing the collagen around the bladder and urethra. This is a still a non invasive solution but it does generate changes in the tissues which together with your strong pelvic floor can help in achieving a far better bladder control.

Clinical evaluations and trials have demonstrated the remarkable efficacy of this method in addressing mild to moderate Stress Urinary Incontinence, underscored by the high level of satisfaction reported by patients.

Are you suffering from urinary stress incontinence?

Book an appointment today and free yourself from discomfort.

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Understanding Vaginal Atrophy

June 8, 2023 in Uncategorized

Vaginal atrophy is a condition that affects many women as they age or experience hormonal changes. It can lead to discomfort, pain during intercourse, and a decline in overall quality of life. At Femalase, we understand the impact vaginal atrophy can have on your well-being. That’s why we offer Renovalase, an innovative treatment that provides relief and restores vaginal health. In this blog post, we will explore the causes of vaginal atrophy and how Renovalase can help you regain comfort and confidence.

Understanding Vaginal Atrophy:

Vaginal atrophy, also known as atrophic vaginitis, is a common condition that occurs due to the thinning, drying, and inflammation of the vaginal walls. It is primarily caused by a decrease in estrogen levels, which can happen during menopause, postpartum, breastfeeding, or as a result of certain medical treatments. The decline in estrogen leads to changes in the vaginal tissues, including reduced elasticity, lubrication, and blood flow.

Causes of Vaginal Atrophy:

Menopause: The most common cause of vaginal atrophy is the hormonal changes associated with menopause. As estrogen levels decrease, the vaginal tissues become thinner, less elastic, and more prone to dryness and irritation.

Postpartum and Breastfeeding: Pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause hormonal fluctuations that may result in vaginal atrophy. The drop in estrogen levels during these periods can lead to vaginal dryness and discomfort.

Cancer Treatments: Certain cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and hormonal therapies, can disrupt the body’s hormone balance, leading to vaginal atrophy. These treatments are essential for managing cancer, but they can have long-lasting effects on vaginal health.

Surgical Removal of Ovaries: Removal of the ovaries, either due to medical conditions or as part of a surgical procedure, can abruptly decrease estrogen production, leading to vaginal atrophy.

If you are not going through any of these at the moment don’t worry, there are other reasons to experience the condition also.

Renovalase: Restoring Comfort and Quality of Life

Renovalase is an advanced non-surgical laser treatment offered at Femalase that addresses the symptoms of vaginal atrophy. This innovative procedure utilises a gentle laser technology to stimulate collagen production in the vaginal tissues. By promoting the regeneration of healthy tissue, Renovalase helps restore vaginal elasticity, improve lubrication, and reduce discomfort and pain.

Benefits of Renovalase:

  1. Non-Invasive and Painless: Renovalase is a non-surgical, painless procedure that can be completed in a short office visit. It requires no anesthesia and has minimal downtime.
  2. Improved Vaginal Health: The laser energy stimulates collagen production, leading to the rejuvenation of vaginal tissues. This results in increased lubrication, improved elasticity, and a reduction in vaginal dryness and discomfort.
  3. Enhanced Intimacy: By restoring vaginal health, Renovalase can improve sexual function and intimacy. It helps alleviate pain during intercourse and enhances natural lubrication, leading to a more satisfying and pleasurable experience.
  4. Long-Lasting Results: Renovalase offers long-lasting results, with most women experiencing improvements for several months. Depending on individual needs, periodic maintenance treatments may be recommended to maintain optimal results.


Vaginal atrophy can significantly impact a woman’s comfort, confidence, and overall quality of life. If you’re experiencing symptoms of vaginal atrophy, it’s important to seek effective treatment options. At Femalase, we offer Renovalase, a non-surgical laser treatment that stimulates tissue regeneration and restores vaginal health. Don’t let vaginal atrophy hinder your well-being any longer. Visit Femalase and discover how Renovalase can bring renewed comfort and confidence to your

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Treatment for Overactive Bladder

March 12, 2023 in Uncategorized

Over Active Bladder syndrome is a very common condition in women of all ages. It does become even more common in our older years. Luckily, Femalase provides a very effective treatment for overactive bladder that is easily accessible to help you live more comfortably.

There are many factors contributing to this condition including the decrease in oestrogen levels in menopause. Overactive bladder is when the detrusor muscle in the bladder overworks giving women the continuous need to empty the bladder and very often leakage.

The main problem with all bladder conditions is that many women find it difficult to seek help as they feel embarrassed by the condition. You should not feel this way as treatment is available and can be very effective.

The first thing to do is to have a proper diagnosis as many women think they have stress incontinence instead, which is treated in a very different way. Diagnosis between the two conditions is often simple and requires a visit to a doctor who has an interest in the area.

After the diagnosis is made treatment can be planned.

For overactive bladder it includes medications and lifestyle changes.

Stress incontinence has a more mechanical cause and treatments include physiotherapy, surgery and more recently innovative laser therapy.

Our IncontintiLase treatment is a laser treatment that treats overactive bladder very effectively. This is available in our Cork & Dublin clinics.

Incontinence Treatment

Treatment for overactive bladder

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Natural Treatment for Vaginal Atrophy

February 9, 2023 in Uncategorized

What is Vaginal Atrophy?

Vaginal atrophy is a physiological change that happens in your vagina after menopause occurs. The vagina mucosa (skin inside the vagina) is a target organ for hormones like oestrogen. When oestrogen is not produced anymore the mucosa will thin and become much more delicate.

This change affects every woman in a different way but can be associated commonly with the recurrent itch, painful sex and vaginal dryness. Luckily, there are treatments available, so you do not have to live with this discomfort.

There are natural treatments that can alleviate the symptoms of vaginal atrophy.  A palliative treatment is to use natural products to have more moisture and lubrication. Although these can be great for instant relief, this does not fix the cause of the problem and does not improve the quality of the vaginal mucosa.
To get treat vaginal atrophy, it is important to treat the cause and not just the symptoms.

Treatment for Vaginal Atrophy

If you are uncomfortable with using hormonal treatment another solution is to use a laser to improve the quality and elasticity of your vagina. This laser therapy that treats the vaginal canal. Clinical studies show that it is an efficient, easy-to-use, quick and safe procedure that gives great results.

This does not require the use of medications and does not have any long-term negative consequences on your vagina.

Unlike natural lubricants laser treatment will fix the cause of the problem and can bring much more comfort during sex and relieve the other symptoms associated with vaginal atrophy.

RenovaLase treats the problem at source, unlike vaginal creams and lubricants. It does restore the vaginal mucosa (internal vaginal skin) to a similar premenopausal state which is why some people call it vaginal rejuvenation.

Looking for a natural cure for vaginal atrophy?

Book an appointment today and free yourself from discomfort.

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Vaginal Moisturisers & Creams For Vaginal Dryness

January 16, 2023 in Uncategorized


There are a lot of vaginal moisturisers available on the market to help with vaginal dryness symptoms. They can be very helpful in making sexual intercourse less painful and more pleasurable.

Unfortunately, vaginal moisturisers do not cure the problem. Vaginal dryness symptoms in menopause are due to the changes in the vagina that occur when your level of oestrogen decreases. The purpose of lubricants is just to reduce friction.

If you want to go to the root of the problem you have two choices:

-oestrogen therapy is the first choice.  It will be effective if the changes have not been present for a long time but it does work slowly.

Vaginal Laser. Erbium laser will restore the elasticity of the vagina much quicker and then you can maintain the results with the use of oestrogen.

If you are suffering from vaginal dryness it is important to treat the cause of the problem and not just the symptoms. Vaginal Laser treatment is non-invasive and an extremely effective treatment that treats the root cause. Contact us today to arrange an appointment with our Dublin or Cork clinics specialists.

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      Incontinence Treatment


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      November 20, 2022 in treatment

      Why is my vagina suddenly dry? Many women are aware of the changes and symptoms associated with menopause. What women are not so aware of is the vaginal physiological changes that happen with menopause. When the level of oestrogen decreases the vaginal mucosa (skin inside the vagina) will become much thinner.

      Vaginal Dryness

      This can present with dryness, pain at sexual penetration and sometimes a general feeling of discomfort.

      Sometimes this condition is misdiagnosed with recurrent thrush and treated for infections. The reason for the symptoms is the lack of hormones associated with menopause. Many treatments are available, including laser therapy to improve the conditions of the mucosa and the elasticity of the vagina.

      If you find yourself asking why is my vagina suddenly dry,  you do not have to suffer. Femalase offers RenovaLase® treatment. This is a non-invasive laser treatment that treats the cause of vaginal dryness. This treats dryness at the source, to provide long lasting results, unlike vaginal moisturisers & lubricants which may only provide temporary relief.

      Book an appointment today and free yourself from discomfort.

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      March 3, 2020 in news


      We are excited to announce that Fotona SMOOTH® and the Dynamis laser system have been cleared by Health Canada for the treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) and Vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA) / Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM). We see this clearance as a significant milestone, further validating Fotona’s commitment to evidence-based medicine in Gynecology and other fields. Read the full Fotona press release on the clearance.

      Incontinence: causes and symptoms

      September 28, 2018 in news


      Stress incontinence is when you wet yourself during exercise, coughing, sneezing, laughing or other movements that put pressure on the bladder. The ligaments that hold the urethra (the tube through which you pass urine) in place no longer function effectively, leading to leakage.

      Pregnancy and childbirth

      It is mostly related to pregnancy and childbirth. Consultant urogynaecologist Dr Suzanne O’Sullivan says: “Relaxin, the hormone which allows ligaments to soften and stretch during pregnancy, affects the ligaments supporting the pelvic floor and urethra.

      “A lot of women blame delivery for their incontinence but it may have been the pregnancy itself.”


      An overactive bladder is an “involuntary and sudden contraction or squeezing of the muscle in the wall of the bladder, even when the volume of urine in your bladder is low”, according to the website

      “One symptom is having a strong urge and having to drop everything and run to the toilet,” says O’Sullivan. Other symptoms are frequently needing to go to the toilet (eight or more times a day, or two or more times a night) and, in some cases, accidental leakage of urine because of not getting to the toilet in time.

      “It is less common in younger people but about 17 per cent of the population display symptoms,” says O’Sullivan. “Getting up in the night to pee, known as nocturia, can affect sleep, mood, partners. It is one of the main causes of falls and fractures among older people and is especially serious for women with osteoporosis.”

      Urinary incontinence

      September 28, 2018 in news

      ‘It was mortifying’ – The embarrassing issue suffered by hundreds of thousands of Irish women every day
      Urinary incontinence is a common issue that many people are too embarrassed to discuss. Áilín Quinlan talks to two women about the impact the condition has had on them and how seeking help has changed their lives for the better

      Selected excerpts from an article by Áilín Quinlan in the Health & Living section of the Irish Independent, July 17 2018

      Do you leak when you laugh – or even when you cough?

      It happens to hundreds of thousands of women around Ireland every day – and many don’t seek help because they assume that urinary incontinence is an inevitable result of, for example, giving birth.

      Many suffer for years if not decades, like mother-of-two Laura O’Sullivan, whose problems began soon after the birth of her second daughter 30 years ago.

      Now in her early sixties, the Glanmire, Co Cork resident recalls how for decades she tried to manage the condition.

      “When I found that I was leaking, I was advised to do pelvic floor exercises,” says Laura. “I did do them, but they didn’t work.”

      She also considered surgery, but was reluctant, she says, as she didn’t want to spend several days in hospital.

      In the end she simply let it go and tried to adapt her lifestyle to the demands of the condition.

      “If I wanted to go for walks I only went for small walks and I’d choose a route where I could use a loo,” says Laura.

      But as the years passed, the problem got worse.

      “It became so bad that if I coughed or sneezed I would leak – it was terrible. I even stopped swimming, every time I went into the water I needed to go, so I’d be in and out to the loo. It made me a bit anxious,” she adds.

      About two years ago she developed a very bad cough – and was leaking quite a bit, she says – but this time she took action.

      After hearing about a new laser treatment for the condition – a walk-in, walk-out procedure which is non-invasive and painless – Laura began treatment last November. It has been very successful, she says.

      “To be honest my quality of life had been terrible,” she says. “I’m wondering now why I let it go on so long!”

      According to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing at Trinity College in 2017, which studied the extent of urinary incontinence in the Irish population, the problem affects one in five adults over the age of 54.

      “It impacts on quality of life and has been shown to affect mood.

      “People become more anxious and depressed as a result of it. They can withdraw from social participation; they may avoid golf or bridge activities. Apart from the physical element, there are significant emotional and social aspects.”

      It’s hoped that a new blueprint for dealing with adult incontinence – which involves nurse specialists in the area as well as specialised physiotherapists supporting primary care – will be submitted to the HSE within the next year.

      “The GP is the first port of call, and best international practise has shown that the way to manage incontinence is to provide nurse specialists or continence advisors, as well as physiotherapists specialising in incontinence, to support primary care.”Urinary incontinence actually takes two forms – the overactive bladder (OAB) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI).

      An overactive bladder is a problem that involves the symptoms of frequent running to the toilet – for many people with the problem it means they go more than eight times a day – and several times a night.

      The third symptom of the overactive bladder is urgency.

      “This means you cannot stop the need to go. It’s latchkey urgency.

      We don’t really know what causes OAB, but it is common in women who may have had childhood bed-wetting and also in women who pick up bad bladder habits – for example people on shift work or teachers or nurses who cannot always go to the loo when they need to. In such cases there is “a subconscious deferring of the bladder over the years.” Older women who are post menopause can get a low-grade cystitis which can irritate the bladder, and cause incontinence.

      Management of the problem is done in a number of ways.

      “It’s about lifestyle in terms of weight loss, improving your overall health and being aware of your fluid intake.”

      Affected women should drink a total of only one to one-and-a-half litres of fluid a day, which should require visits to the toilet only every three to four hours – and allow them to sleep through the night.

      It’s also important to avoid stimulant drinks – caffeine is a potent stimulant to the bladder.

      “And remember, there’s as much caffeine in tea as in coffee.”

      A range of medications is available – but sufferers must also learn bladder re-training techniques.

      This requires sufferers to begin to delay urination in a staged way.

      For example on week one, they’ll hold off going to the loo for five minutes after experiencing the need to go. On week two, they will try to hold off for 10 minutes, and in week three, they will delay for about 15 minutes.

      The second type of incontinence is SUI.

      “SUI is caused primarily by childbirth which can result in a weakening of the pelvic floor.”

      “However, gaining weight can contribute also and if you are constipated, this can be a factor.”

      “Urinary leakage as a result of a cough sneeze, laughing or exercise can have a severe impact on a women’s quality of life,” adding that women can be reluctant to go out or to exercise in case of having an accident.

      Treatment involves physiotherapy, surgery or a relatively new procedure called transvaginal laser treatment which effectively promotes the formation of new collagen, which is the basic structural support for the vagina.

      “This has been shown to be a very effective non-surgical option and very suitable for women who don’t want surgery,” adding that it’s also suited to women with young children who may want more children.

      “It’s a walk-in, walk-out procedure, lasting twenty minutes with no pain, blood loss complications or infections.”

      For *Emma, a mother-of-four in her early 40s, laughing or leaping was not an option following the birth of her second child.

      “If I sneezed or jumped or laughed, I’d lose control,” she says.

      “It was mortifying.

      “I was in my early twenties at the time and most of my friends didn’t have children so I had nobody to talk to about it with.”

      She put up with it, she recalls, for around 14 years.

      “I mentioned it to the GP and was advised to do my pelvic floor exercises and I did them along with other things to strengthen my pelvic floor, but nothing worked.

      ” I used pads a lot! When I went away for a few days with my friends I’d be dreading doing things like going on a speedboat.

      “You live in fear of an accident at any time when you’re away from the house.”

      However, by the time her fourth child was born, Emma was in her thirties, and many of her friends had had children – and incontinence problems.

      “They too found they had accidents when they were laughing or jumping,” she recalls.

      “One day a woman at a party told me she had the problem resolved a few years ago with a pelvic sling operation, for which you have to have surgery.”

      Encouraged, Emma saw her GP, who referred her to a consultant.

      “I had a range of test and scans and it was decided that there was a weakness in the bladder,” she says. “I discussed it with my consultant. I could go for either the sling or have laser therapy.

      “I chose the laser therapy in the end because it’s so much less invasive.

      “I had the first two sessions over May and June of this year, and so far have noticed a significant improvement. “I’ll be having my final laser treatment this November.

      “I can laugh without leaking now, but I’m still trying to build my confidence because you become so used to having to deal with the problem it takes a while to relax and remember that it has been sorted. I am told my condition will probably improve even further.

      “I was putting up with this problem for the last 14 years and I think half the problem is that as women we are expected to accept something as a woman’s problem rather than to do and do anything about it because it ‘part of life’.”

      * Not her real name

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      The last taboo: Adult incontinence

      September 28, 2018 in news

      A study released this week shows that one in two women over 18 will suffer some degree of adult incontinence at some stage in their lives, yet most of them will suffer in silence.

      It will take them, on average, six to eight years to ask for help. Yes, years.

      Some won’t even tell their husbands. Others will buy two identical pairs of everything – trousers, skirts, dresses – so that they can change without drawing attention to themselves if they have an ‘accident’. More will see it take a huge toll on their happiness, work-life, travel, exercise and, of course, their relationships.

      A new campaign launched by Always Discreet, the company that makes products for bladder-leak protection, aims to break the silence around adult incontinence so that women can start to feel empowered again.

      Campaign ambassador Dr Sarah Jarvis tells Feelgood that the first step is to start talking about adult incontinence and recognising that it affects a huge number of women – of all ages.

      “The woman with bladder incontinence is every woman, she is your next-door neighbour,” she says, scotching the myth that only elderly women suffer from sensitive bladders.

      It can happen for a wide range of reasons, too: while childbirth and menopause are significant triggers, there are many others – surgery, strenuous exercise or being overweight.

      For Jacqueline (now 60) childbirth took a toll, though at first she had difficulty only when she laughed, coughed or sneezed.

      She loved keeping fit though, and soon she found that she wasn’t able to do star jumps in the gym. “I looked like something out of Andy Pandy. I couldn’t jump about any more,” she says.

      She eventually sought help and now wears a slim incontinence pad so that she doesn’t have to worry about leaks.

      Her message to other women: speak about it and remember “you are normal and you are not on your own”.

      Dr Suzanne O’Sullivan, who chairs the Continence Foundation of Ireland, says part of the problem with bladder sensitivity is that it can creep up on a woman very gradually.

      At first, it’s a leak or an accident just once a month but it gradually gets worse. Often women won’t go to their doctors until it becomes completely unmanageable, but Dr O’Sullivan urges women to seek help as early as possible.

      The consultant obstetrician and urogynaecologist at Cork University Maternity Hospital explains that there are two types of incontinence: stress incontinence and urge incontinence.

      Stress incontinence is characterised by bladder leaks when you cough, sneeze or laugh while urge incontinence happens when you have a strong need to urinate, but can’t reach the toilet in time.

      Most people, she explains, will have a mixture, but both conditions can happen to women of any age.

      “It’s definitely improvable in all cases and curable in most,” she says.

      Sometimes there can be a radical improvement just by introducing pelvic-floor exercises. Limiting alcohol, caffeine and fizzy drinks can help too. It’s also possible to train your bladder and a doctor can help to work out a schedule. If those measures don’t work, medication or surgery can make a big difference.

      A new Irish website to help people with overactive bladder went live last week ( and it spells out the treatments available and tells women how they can get help.

      The website estimates that 16% of the Irish population over 40, some 350,000 people, may be affected by OABs , but bladder incontinence can affect women of any age.

      Maeve Whelan, a Dublin-based chartered physiotherapist specialising in women’s health and continence, explains that pelvic-floor complaints can affect girls as young as 16.

      An Irish study, published in the International Urogynecology Journal in 2014, showed that up to 60pc of young girls had some sort of pelvic-floor condition, ranging from bladder and bowel conditions, pelvic organ prolapse or chronic pelvic pain.

      So why isn’t it talked about more?

      Maeve Whelan says some women do talk about it in their own circle of friends, which can be a great source of comfort, but there are many others who suffer in silence.

      She recalls the elation – and relief – of one elderly client who, on a weekend away with two friends, finally admitted that she had a bowel condition. It turned out the other two friends had exactly the same complaint.

      But when it comes to urinary incontinence, women are particularly loath to speak about it.

      They are also unsure of where they might go for help. But there is lots of help available from specially trained HSE nurses to trained physiotherapists and your GP.

      There’s a lot you can do to help yourself too, including exercise. While pelvic-floor exercises have become a bit of a buzz word, many women aren’t doing them correctly, which can make a bladder condition worse.

      Maeve Whelan recommends women get individually assessed by a qualified physiotherapist before embarking on an exercise programme. It will involve an internal pelvic examination but, that way, a woman can be certain she is on the road to improvement.

      * For more information, see the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists’ website,;, For other women’s experiences and tips see

      Highest Performance Laser Systems

      September 28, 2018 in news

      The FotonaSmooth™ XS laser system is a popular choice for gynecologists thanks to its proven ability to perform an impressive range of non-contact, non-invasive procedures with greater patient comfort, reduced downtime and quicker healing.

      The Right Laser for Gynecology

      For more than 15 years, Fotona has been at the forefront of laser gynecology research, developing revolutionary, minimally invasive gynecology treatments based on the industry’s most highly effective, gold-standard Er:YAG and Nd:YAG laser wavelengths. The culmination of this extensive research & development activity is the FotonaSmooth™ platform, a line of non-contact, non-invasive gynecological lasers that provide unrivaled treatment results with unmatched ease of use, safety and efficiency.

      Gold Standard Er:YAG with New SMOOTH Mode

      Fotona’s Er:YAG laser technology is ideal for the treatment of lesions of the uterine neck and vagina, as well as HPV lesions, pigmentations and neoplasias. Because of its unique disinfecting capability, it even promotes faster healing of infected tissue.

      Fotona’s high-performance Er:YAG laser ablates precisely without heating surrounding tissue. Er:YAG energy is highly absorbed in water – the main target chromophore in skin treatments – and can thus vaporize the skin with micron-level precision and very little thermal conduction.

      Fotona’s patented VSP (Variable Square Pulse) technology enables the Er:YAG laser to be accurately tuned from warm to “cold” ablation as well as non-ablative thermal ratios. This allows for a wide range of non-ablative treatment possibilities, including Fotona’s revolutionary IntimaLase®IncontiLase® and RenovaLase® treatments based on proprietary SMOOTH mode settings.


      We are excited to announce that Fotona SMOOTH® and the Dynamis laser system have been cleared by Health Canada for the treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) and Vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA) / Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM). We see this clearance as a significant milestone, further validating Fotona’s commitment to evidence-based medicine in Gynecology and other fields. Read the full Fotona press release on the clearance.